Impact Investing

Exodos Listing: High-Yielding Solar Energy Plant Brazil

Christian Chegne
September 11, 2024
min read
Exodos Listing: High-Yielding Solar Energy Plant Brazil
Impact Investing

Exodos: High-Yielding Solar Energy Plant Brazil

ReFi Hub is revolutionizing impact investing, by leveraging blockchain technology to bring to real-world assets (RWAs) on-chain. Our platform enables users to invest in impact ventures, putting their capital to work and generating positive environmental outcomes. Today, we’re thrilled to introduce our first business listing: Exodos, a solar energy project with IPE Assets in Brazil.

Why Solar in Brazil? A Prime Investment Landscape

Brazil’s solar energy sector offers:
  • Exceptional Solar Radiation: With 4.25-6.5 kWh/m²/day of solar radiation, Brazil is a top region globally for high efficiency and output solar projects.
  • Surging Energy Demand: Brazil’s energy consumption is on track to grow by 25% by 2050, whilst staying at net zero, given the high focus on renewables.¹
  • Supportive Policies: The government aims to achieve 45% renewable energy in the next 6 years, alongside attractive tax incentives for solar development.²

Financial Highlights: High APY with Consistent Return

The Exodos solar project offers significant financial benefit, investors will receive 85% of revenue generated from the solar plant for a period of 24.5 years.

  • In Year one APY is projected at 15.26%, and averages at 23.03% over the entire project duration.
  • Investors receive regular income with monthly payout periods.

*Full year-on-year payment projections will soon be released on Business Listing page on app here.

Income Distribution

Income from the EXODOS plant will be distributed monthly between the 15th and 20th. Payments are made in USDC, a stablecoin paired 1:1 with the US dollar, ensuring reliable and consistent returns. Upon making your investment you will be receive FITs (Fractional Ownership Tokens), making you entitled to yields. For detailed information on the investment process visit Exodos FAQs page here.

Tangible Impacts: Real-World Benefits

Investing in this solar project through ReFi Hub generates the following impact:

  • Carbon Emission Reduction: This project will reduces greenhouse gas emissions by integrating solar power into the Brazilian grid, decreasing reliance on fossil fuels.
  • Improved Energy Access Locally: The solar plant delivers reliable electricity to local communities in the Joinville area, enhancing energy independence and quality of life.
  • Job Creation and Economic Growth: The project is creating jobs in construction, maintenance; driving economic development in the state of Santa Catarina, Brazil.

Energy generated from the Exodos solar plant will be tracked using advanced software to monitor energy generation, this ensures the plant operates efficiently and clear tracking of impact.

About IPE Assets:

IPE Assets is a leading firm specializing in solar energy generation and alternative assets.

Their vision is to transform the way people invest in renewable energy, democratizing high-yield investments by tokenizing real assets like photovoltaic (solar) plants. With deep expertise in solar tech and being experienced with crypto ownership solutions, IPE assets is positioned at the forefront, giving investors a unique opportunity to earn income from clean energy.

The Vision Behind ReFi Hub

ReFi Hub is dedicated to channeling over 500 million dollars into sustainable businesses by 2030. The platform enables transparent engagement with RWAs, leveraging blockchain technology to track investments and impacts. Every investment, including this solar project in partnership with IPE assets, is designed to align profitability with sustainability.

Ready to make a meaningful impact while earning strong returns? Investment opens September 2024.

Sign-up to the platform here.


1: Energy Outlook: Energy Economics: Home (2024) bp global. Available at: (Accessed: 11 September 2024).

2: The Brazilian Commitment to Combating Climate Change: Energy Production and Use (2016) Epe. Available at: (Accessed: 11 September 2024).

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