Impact Investing

Exodos: IPE Assets Investment FAQ

Christian Chegne
September 11, 2024
min read
Exodos: IPE Assets Investment FAQ
Impact Investing

Exodos: IPE Assets Investment FAQ

Welcome to ReFi Hub, where we're reshaping impact investing, using blockchain to bring real-world assets (RWAs) on-chain. Our platform makes it easy to invest in businesses that deliver both financial returns and environmental impact. We're excited to kick things off with Exodos, a solar energy project in Brazil (read more about the Exodos listing here). Below, you'll find answers to common questions about this investment opportunity.


What is an ownership agreement?
An ownership agreement is a from of partial ownership of an asset from a business listed on ReFi Hub. This ownership entitles you to revenue generated from said assets. In the case of IPE assets’ Exodos 1 Project, 85% of revenue generated from the Exodos Solar Plant will be returned to investors.

What are FITs?
FITs (Fractional Investment Tokens) are the token you receive once you make an investment in an ownership agreement on ReFi Hub. These tokens represent partial ownership of an asset or the revenue generated from an asset and enable the Holder to claim yield payments from the businesses.

How often will I be able to claim yield?
For the Exodos 1 project, yield claims will occur monthly between the 15th and 20th of each month.

For how long does the ownership agreement last?
The agreement lasts for 24.5 years.

Can I sell my FITs?
FITs are currently non-transferable tokens and cannot be sold on secondary market places. However, ReFi Hub will be opening an in-house secondary market place bringing liquidity to these impact real-world assets in Q1 of 2025.

How does the investment flow work?

  1. Purchase FITs (Fractionalized Ownership Tokens): You start by purchasing FITs, which represent real-world investment agreements between you (the investor) and the business raising funds.
  2. Business Utilizes Funds: The business receives the funds from the FITs you've purchased, and uses them to build or buy an asset e.g. a solar plant.
  3. Yields Payments: The borrowing business periodically deposits yield payments into a smart contract.
  4. Claiming Your Earnings: As a FIT holder, you have the ability to claim your yield from the smart contract.
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